Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Turks civilization


      This Civilization is stronger in the castle age and it can finish the game as soon as possible if the player knows how to play this civilization well. Let us see what kind of rushes we can do using the Turks civilization.

1) Archer Rush : The Turks gold miners are 15 % faster,So they can create archers more in the feudal age itself since the archers require gold more (45).

2) Castle Rush : The unique unit of Turks is Jannisary which has high attack (18) than any other unit in the castle age has the range of  "8" while the Town center has range only "6". There is a bug in the game which will not allow the Town centers to increase their range by blacksmith upgrades.so the jannisaries can take down the Town centers and end the game in Castle age itself.

3) Light Cavalry rush: After giving the castle age upgrade,while the age upgrade is going on,we can create scouts from the stable.The Turks have free Light Cavalry and Hussar upgrades,so as soon as we reach the castle age the scouts will turn automatically to light cavalry, it reduces the time of creation. By using light cavalry , we can take down the lumberjacks and miners of enemy.

4) Imperial rush : The Turks has free Chemistry research which is one of the lengthiest research in the game,so as soon as possible we reach the Imperial age our chemistry research is automatically done. so we can create Bombard canon from seige workshops which can take down the enemy trebucheut very easily and it forms area damage,so it kills army too. It is very useful when the enemy is attacking our base with his trebucheut .By building archery range we can create hand canoneer and there is no need of building castle to create Jannisary since they both have more or less same power.

Turks have other few advantages like

1) Gun powder research costs 50%
2) Gun powder units create faster (team bonus)
3) Unique technology artillery helps the bombard canon to have +2 range which makes them the longest range bombards in the game.

When the Turks run out of Gold, it is hard for them to play the long duration games since they don't have the halberdiers and Elite Skirmishers.

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